
student debt

Thinking about higher education can be stressful, especially if you’re not sure how you’re going to pay for it. Student loans are an excellent option for many people. If you’re worried about going into debt or if you have other questions about how financing your education will affect your future, we’re here to help. We want to give you all of the information we have to help you make an

Covering the Cost of Raising School-Age Children

Kids are expensive. The expenses start the moment you buy your first set of diapers or schedule that first sonogram. But the expenses don’t stop coming just because your child has graduated to table food or has finished potty training. There are always costs associated with raising children, and sometimes our cash flow doesn’t always keep up with the things our children need. This is especially true for school-age children

couple - personal finances and installment loans

When you find yourself in a bind and can use fast cash, installment loans can be a manageable way of making ends meet, but they have their pros and cons. The term installment loans might sound familiar, and you may have even used them in the past without realizing since there are several types. When you borrow installment loans online, you agree to a set amount which is to be

Common Money Mistakes that Lead to Legal Problems

Nobody likes to be in trouble. And certainly nobody likes to be in trouble when the legal system is involved. That’s why it’s important to know the best ways to manage your bank account and bills to avoid falling into legal trouble. Unfortunately, some people find out too late that there are money mistakes that lead to legal woes. Stop Paying Student Loans Bills are piling up and the student

7 Times When a Personal Loan is a Bad Idea For You

Using personal loans is a great option for many people looking to consolidate credit card debt or make a large, one-time purchase. However, depending on a person’s financial profile, it could also result in years of crushing payments or defaulting on the loan altogether. A personal loan uses installments. A bank, credit union, or online lender issues the loan at a fixed rate and amortization period. The time frame can range