
unbanked paying cash shopping

We take certain parts of life for granted. We can find a grocery store when we need one. We can get cash from an ATM. But some of the American population isn’t living in the same way.

Covering the Cost of Raising School-Age Children

Kids are expensive. The expenses start the moment you buy your first set of diapers or schedule that first sonogram. But the expenses don’t stop coming just because your child has graduated to table food or has finished potty training. There are always costs associated with raising children, and sometimes our cash flow doesn’t always keep up with the things our children need. This is especially true for school-age children

The All in One Guide to Banking Accounts for Newbies

Are you thinking about opening a new bank account, but all the different choices have you stressing out? Perhaps you have bad credit, but you still want to get the tremendous budgeting benefits that a savings or checking account provides. Maybe you want a bank account, so you can build an emergency fund in case you ever need it. If you want to learn about how to find the right