Mark N.

couple - personal finances and installment loans

When you find yourself in a bind and can use fast cash, installment loans can be a manageable way of making ends meet, but they have their pros and cons. The term installment loans might sound familiar, and you may have even used them in the past without realizing since there are several types. When you borrow installment loans online, you agree to a set amount which is to be

Common Money Mistakes that Lead to Legal Problems

Nobody likes to be in trouble. And certainly nobody likes to be in trouble when the legal system is involved. That’s why it’s important to know the best ways to manage your bank account and bills to avoid falling into legal trouble. Unfortunately, some people find out too late that there are money mistakes that lead to legal woes. Stop Paying Student Loans Bills are piling up and the student

7 Easy Steps to Creating a Budget that Actually Works

If saving money was easy, we would all have money in the bank, flush retirement accounts and no financial worries. But managing your finances in the real world can be a challenge – especially when you feel like you’re starting the process with a mountain of debt and set monthly payments. But that’s no reason to give up hope. You have flexibility with how you approach budgeting and saving. Some

Investing in Your Family

Your family likely means everything to you. But families are expensive. With more mouths to feed and bodies to clothe, you’re always facing large grocery bills and your clothing budget may seem like it’s constantly expanding. If you’re always looking for more money every month to take care of your family’s needs, you aren’t alone. Almost 80 percent of workers are living paycheck to paycheck, and that makes it hard

Going to College Can Vastly Improve Your Financial Future

Just like you’ve always been told to eat your vegetables, you might have also been told somewhere along the line that you should go to college. There are lots of different reasons to take classes or pursue a degree, no matter how much school you’ve already had. Here are five of the best we know of. 1. You Will See ROI if You Invest in Yourself We all know it’s

8 Smart Ways to Use a Personal Loan Around Your New House

You sign your lease or arrange your mortgage. You move into your new home. You’re ready for the easy life – you have your spot to live and you’re ready to go.  You are ready to relax in your new space. But then the real cost of homeownership appears – repairs, maintenance, furniture and yard work. It’s expensive having a spot to live, even if you’re renting a home. Sometimes

The All in One Guide to Banking Accounts for Newbies

Are you thinking about opening a new bank account, but all the different choices have you stressing out? Perhaps you have bad credit, but you still want to get the tremendous budgeting benefits that a savings or checking account provides. Maybe you want a bank account, so you can build an emergency fund in case you ever need it. If you want to learn about how to find the right

9 Ways to Benefit More from Healthcare

Healthcare is a huge expense, and in some cases of chronic illness it can even add up to more than your monthly rent total – but it’s not the kind of expense that you can skip out on, especially if you have a medical history that means you could need health insurance more. Trying to make healthcare fit within your budget is often a challenge. There are many ways to make

emergency fund tips

Every financially responsible adult should have an emergency fund; when it’s about financial emergencies, it’s not about if they’ll happen, but when they’re going to – and the difference between sink-or-swim when something happens that requires cash could be your emergency fund.  Statistics say that as much as 40% of Americans don’t have enough cash saved away to cover a $1, 000 financial emergency. If this describes you – and