Mark N.

couple debt consolidation

It’s easy to think of debt as a single thing. Like a lump sum of money you need to pay back rather than the collection of student loans, credit cards, car loans, mortgages, personal loans and even payday loans you’ve amassed – all with different payment dates, all with different payment amounts. For most of us, our debt is a collection of messy numbers. You have bills due all month

unbanked paying cash shopping

We take certain parts of life for granted. We can find a grocery store when we need one. We can get cash from an ATM. But some of the American population isn’t living in the same way.

5 Ways to Avoid Financial Stress When Running a Business

Running your own business takes careful planning and management to be successful. But even the most well planned operations can take their toll and result in unwanted financial stress. Develop Good Accounting Habits Much of that financial stress to running a business can be avoided, and with strong habits such as knowing the exact financial condition every day allows you to effectively manage things, and avoid surprises. Staying aware of

Money Mistakes and Budgeting

Everyone struggles at times with personal finance. It’s inevitable that, despite your best intentions, something goes wrong with your personal finances. The hope is that when you make a money mistake, it is something that is easily correctable. Sometimes a mistake is just that – a mistake. You missed a payment deadline. You forgot to sign a check before mailing it. But other times money management mistakes can set you

student debt

Thinking about higher education can be stressful, especially if you’re not sure how you’re going to pay for it. Student loans are an excellent option for many people. If you’re worried about going into debt or if you have other questions about how financing your education will affect your future, we’re here to help. We want to give you all of the information we have to help you make an

How Bad Credit Can Affect Your Relationships

Good relationships aren’t easy, as the 40 million Americans using online dating services will attest. There’s a minefield of things you can do wrong, including game playing, talking about your ex, and ignoring important red flags. But there’s one relationship wrecker that most couples aren’t even aware of: the bad credit score. Having bad credit impacts your life in a myriad of negative ways like making it hard to borrow

How to Save Money on Groceries

If you’re trying to save money with frugal living, you already know that the grocery story is both a blessing and a curse. You can save a lot of money by preparing your own meals, but only if you avoid the expensive items and plan wisely. It’s easy to save money in the grocery story, but it’s also easy to blow your budget buying groceries. Even though the price of

Covering the Cost of Raising School-Age Children

Kids are expensive. The expenses start the moment you buy your first set of diapers or schedule that first sonogram. But the expenses don’t stop coming just because your child has graduated to table food or has finished potty training. There are always costs associated with raising children, and sometimes our cash flow doesn’t always keep up with the things our children need. This is especially true for school-age children

A Beginner’s Guide to Frugal Living

There’s a lot to love about frugal living. But you may have questions about what it’s like to commit to true frugal living. Are you going to feel deprived? Is this a life of sacrifice? The answer to both questions is a resounding NO. Frugal living isn’t about living a life of deprivation. It’s about learning to save money and use your funds in meaningful, intelligent ways. Frugal living is

Making the Most of Home Improvements

Maybe you’re thinking of selling your home. Or maybe you just want to spruce things up so that you can continue enjoying it for years to come. It’s time to renovate, and you have the itch to make your home more beautiful and comfortable for you and your family. If you’re thinking about making significant home improvements, why not get the most bang for your buck? It is also recommended