Jonathan Loiselle

Where to Get Cash When You Need Money Now

When you find yourself in a situation where you need a loan, whether it’s for home improvement, repairs of some kind, or just about any other reason, you need to look at the options available if you need money now and want it fast. If you own your home and have equity built up, you may have a few options allowing you to borrow against the value. If you have

money management personal finance budgeting banking

If you’re new to the world of banking and if you want to dive into the perfect guide to help you understand money management and smart banking tactics, then this guide was written for you. Read this guide to discover the following: A simple introduction to smart money management. All about overdraft coverage and how overdraft fees work. How to avoid overdraft fees, even if you’re short on cash. The

Why You Need an Emergency Fund (and How to Get Started)

Creating an emergency fund is a decision that could ultimately save your and your family’s lives. Starting and building an emergency fund is a good way to ensure that you will have unexpected expenses covered, including everything from hospital bills to groceries to transportation fees. Plus, having an emergency fund can also help if you temporarily lose your home. While it may look complicated at first glance, establishing an emergency

It’s not a secret that children are expensive. We talk about the cost of diapers and daycare, but those aren’t the only costs you need to anticipate as you think about starting a family or you calibrate your finances after you have your first. Babies do bring a bit of escalation to the family budget, but it’s not all doom and gloom. The newest addition to your family doesn’t have to cost quite as much as you were anticipating. There are plenty of ways to anticipate costs, plan ahead, and save money every step of the way. The Obvious Costs of Raising a Baby There are many costs associated with having and then raising a baby. The most obvious ones include: Hospital bills Formula, diapers, and baby clothes Childcare Hospital bills If you are fortunate enough to have excellent medical coverage, you may not have thousands of dollars in hospital bills. But many families aren’t so fortunate. If you know you’re going to be paying for the birth, talk to your doctor and the hospital during the pregnancy about your health insurance situation. You may find that the hospital has a “cash rate” for delivery or that you can arrange payments over the time before delivery to avoid a large bill when you leave. Formula, diapers, and baby clothes. The typical baby care items can all be expensive when purchased new and on a regular basis. There are a few ways to trim some costs here, however. Formula – If you choose to and you’re successful breastfeeding, try nursing exclusively. If you choose formula, consider supplementing first as you nurse to use less formula. Join a wholesale or reliable online supplier to buy formula powder as it will be less expensive than the grocery store. Signing up newsletters from the formula company and later baby food companies may yield regular coupons as well. Encourage friends and family to sign up as well for additional coupons. Baby clothes – As adorable as they are, baby clothes are easy to overbuy. Your baby doesn’t often need full outfits. Interchangeable onesies and pants will cover most of the day. Zipper pajamas will cover the rest. Babies outgrow clothing at a terrific rate, so follow parenting groups in your area on social media to score hand-me-downs. Resale and consignment shops also have excellent deals on baby clothes. Most importantly, don’t try to stock up too far in advance since you can’t be sure what size your baby will need for each season. It might wind up being a waste of money. Diapers – Diapers only come in two options – cloth and disposable. Some families opt for cloth diapering which cuts down costs considerably since the diapers are reusable. Other families prefer disposable. You can cost costs with diapers with coupons, buying generic brands, buying wholesale or buying online. Just be sure the diapers you buy are a good fit for your baby. Don’t buy hundreds of diapers wholesale before you have a chance to test the fit of the diaper on your individual baby – not all diapers fit every baby well. Childcare This is a tricky cost that can be enormous for some families. The best solution to childcare is to have a family member watch your baby without any cost. Shift work, a retired grandmother, or a loving aunt might be the solution. But many families wind up paying quite a bit for childcare. To keep costs down here: Sign up in advance for childcare at your workplace. If they have childcare, it may be free or a reduced fee, but often these perks have a waiting list. Get on it now. Look for church-based childcare programs. These might be less expensive, but also might have shorter hours. Church-based programs plus a babysitter might be a great solution. Join forces with another family, especially if they have a single baby as well. Hire one babysitter for both families and you can essentially share the cost. Just be sure the babysitter can handle the two little ones. Use childcare credits. Read up on flexible benefits and childcare credits that you may be qualified for. These benefits allow you to pay for childcare with tax-free money, which is some savings at least. The Hidden Costs of Raising a Baby There are a few budget items you might not think about initially when you bring that baby home from the hospital. There are “hidden” costs that show up over time, but it’s definitely worth thinking about now. If your family budget allows it, prepare for these costs ahead of time by setting up savings accounts in your bank. School costs – We know college is a future expense, but so are the first 13 or more years of school. If you know you’re going private school, that’s going to cost you tuition and fees, just like college will. But even public school has additional costs. Keeping money in the bank for field trips, band instruments, private lessons, sports fees, uniforms, lunch money and more will ease the burden down the road. Housing costs – A tiny baby fits easily into your apartment, but babies don’t stay tiny. They have so much stuff. And what about when little brother comes along in a couple of years? If you’re stretched to afford the place you have now, start thinking about future housing costs and if that might mean moving to a more affordable area to be sure you have room for your future family’s growth. Vehicles – You can squeeze that infant seat into just about any car since it sits between the seats, but a rear facing car seat takes up quite a bit more room. Add to that a second car seat down the road and you’ve outgrown your vehicle. Start a savings account for your future parent-mobile. There’s a reason so many parents drive cross over SUVs and mini vans. Life insurance – Once you hold that precious baby, you’ll know just how it important it is to keep your child safe and secure. One of the most important things you’ll buy will be life insurance for both you and your partner. Life insurance will ensure that your child is financially protected even if the worst happens to you. Add to these costs the cost of a lawyer to draw up your will and other estate documents. After all, you need to be prepared on all fronts.

It’s not a secret that children are expensive. We talk about the cost of diapers and daycare, but those aren’t the only costs you need to anticipate as you think about starting a family or you calibrate your finances after you have your first. Babies do bring a bit of escalation to the family budget, but it’s not all doom and gloom. The newest addition to your family doesn’t have to cost quite as

Life Lessons, Money and Debt Myths

There’s lots of free advice on financial topics, but sometimes it can be misleading or even downright wrong. This can lead you down the wrong path and even have you believe things that can be trouble later. When you separate fact from fiction you start to see things differently, and that can make all the difference when it comes to your own personal finances. Paying the Minimum Amount Owed is

How to Get Yourself Out of Debt

Getting into debt can be a turbulent experience, resulting in other hardships that follow, such as family issues, declined mental health, and financial distress. If you’re wondering how to get yourself out of debt, this is the right article for you, as we will present six solutions to begin your journey. 1. Keep Track of Everything It’s hard to keep track of all of your purchases, including the Netflix subscription,

Choosing the Right Loan When You Have Bad Credit

Choosing the right loan when you have bad credit can feel impossible, but it doesn’t have to be. Despite what you may think, there are ways that you can get a loan without having good credit. While you may not qualify for a great APR with a bad credit score, there will still be interest rates that are manageable. Before you apply for a loan, know where your score ranks

Getting Out of Debt on a Low Income

When month to month is a struggle, it can be a challenge to get out of debt. Many live paycheck to paycheck, and putting some money aside is difficult. Along with making ends meet and paying off any debt you may have. If you can use some helpful advice on how to deal with getting out of debt while living on a low income, you might find the following tips

5 Tips to Save When Raising a Child

Children are expensive. Sure, they are worth every penny, but that’s still a lot of pennies you’re spending to raise your child well. Saving money is a goal for almost every parent. We are always finding ways to cut costs without losing out on valuable childhood experiences or sacrificing health or wellness. Looking for some new ideas of how to save money while raising a child? Here are a few

Embracing Frugality – How to Live a Debt-free Life

Imagine what it would feel like to have no bills. Or at the very least to have no debt. Every time you get paid you won’t be waiting anxiously for your check to clear the bank. Instead, you always have more than enough money in the bank. Many people dream of the day they are rich enough to not worry about money. Especially if you have a family to take care of.